Rudyard Kipling honoured motherhood with these words: "God could
not be everywhere and, therefore, he made mothers." This is similar
to what Sarada Devi, referred to as Holy Mother by her disciples,
would say quoting her husband. Ramakrishana Paramhansa: “He had
the attitude of a mother towards all creations and he has left me
behind to demonstrate this motherhood of God." That, she said, was
her purpose in life.
A mother's role is multifaceted. She is also her child's first teacher And
Sarada Devi fully imbibed and imparted the philosophy of "Vigyan
Vedanta', demonstrating how all those teachings could be applied to
make our own lives blessed.
In her own way, she taught "as many faiths, so many paths", Brahmin,
according to her, was in all things and in all creatures. Though the
realised souls have imparted different teachings, and they don't say
the same thing, however, since there are many paths leading to the
same goal, all of their teachings are true. She gave a unique analogy
for this. Imagine a tree with birds of different colours and plumage
sitting and singing a wide variety of notes in varying octaves. We do
not say that any one particular bird's chirp is the chirp, and the rest
are not. She would say that founders of all religions are realised souls
and they have witnessed different aspects of God on the basis of their
own experience, and they are all correct as they have indeed known
the truth. They are wrong in generalising it, though. Actually, they are
only referring to different forms and aspects of one and the same
infinite, divine reality.
Demonstrating harmony of religions in her day-to-day life and a
mother's unconditional love for all, Sri Maa would say that the Muslim
labourer called Amjad working for her was as much her son as was
Sarat, Swami Saradananda, her personal attendant. When Sister
Nivedita, Swami Vivekananda's disciple, came to visit her Maa Sarada
embraced and accepted her as her own daughter. She maintained
that the infinite divine reality is nirgun formless, in one aspect, and
also sagun, with form. Once, when asked by a monk, "Are you really
the mother of all? Even the birds, insects and beasts?" She said, "Yes"
At her home in Jayrambati, West Bengal. when a monk once hit a cat,
the Holy Mother was deeply hurt and said. "Don't beat it. Feed it, so
it will not steal food. I live in that cat.
Pray for desirelessness, was her advice. If one can entirely give up all
wordly desires, they can get a vision of God right away, she believed.
Her final and most profound teaching was that if you want peace of
mind, do not find faults with others. Rather, learn to see your own
faults. "Learn to accept the whole world as your own. No one is a
stranger, my child," she would say.
"God could not be everywhere and, therefore he made mother"
who said this.
Rudyard Kipling honoured motherhood with these words: "God could
not be everywhere and, therefore, he made mothers." This is similar
to what Sarada Devi, referred to as Holy Mother by her disciples,
would say quoting her husband. Ramakrishana Paramhansa: “He had
the attitude of a mother towards all creations and he has left me
behind to demonstrate this motherhood of God." That, she said, was
her purpose in life.
A mother's role is multifaceted. She is also her child's first teacher And
Sarada Devi fully imbibed and imparted the philosophy of "Vigyan
Vedanta', demonstrating how all those teachings could be applied to
make our own lives blessed.
In her own way, she taught "as many faiths, so many paths", Brahmin,
according to her, was in all things and in all creatures. Though the
realised souls have imparted different teachings, and they don't say
the same thing, however, since there are many paths leading to the
same goal, all of their teachings are true. She gave a unique analogy
for this. Imagine a tree with birds of different colours and plumage
sitting and singing a wide variety of notes in varying octaves. We do
not say that any one particular bird's chirp is the chirp, and the rest
are not. She would say that founders of all religions are realised souls
and they have witnessed different aspects of God on the basis of their
own experience, and they are all correct as they have indeed known
the truth. They are wrong in generalising it, though. Actually, they are
only referring to different forms and aspects of one and the same
infinite, divine reality.
Demonstrating harmony of religions in her day-to-day life and a
mother's unconditional love for all, Sri Maa would say that the Muslim
labourer called Amjad working for her was as much her son as was
Sarat, Swami Saradananda, her personal attendant. When Sister
Nivedita, Swami Vivekananda's disciple, came to visit her Maa Sarada
embraced and accepted her as her own daughter. She maintained
that the infinite divine reality is nirgun formless, in one aspect, and
also sagun, with form. Once, when asked by a monk, "Are you really
the mother of all? Even the birds, insects and beasts?" She said, "Yes"
At her home in Jayrambati, West Bengal. when a monk once hit a cat,
the Holy Mother was deeply hurt and said. "Don't beat it. Feed it, so
it will not steal food. I live in that cat.
Pray for desirelessness, was her advice. If one can entirely give up all
wordly desires, they can get a vision of God right away, she believed.
Her final and most profound teaching was that if you want peace of
mind, do not find faults with others. Rather, learn to see your own
faults. "Learn to accept the whole world as your own. No one is a
stranger, my child," she would say.
Rudyard Kipling honoured motherhood with these words: "God could
not be everywhere and, therefore, he made mothers." This is similar
to what Sarada Devi, referred to as Holy Mother by her disciples,
would say quoting her husband. Ramakrishana Paramhansa: “He had
the attitude of a mother towards all creations and he has left me
behind to demonstrate this motherhood of God." That, she said, was
her purpose in life.
A mother's role is multifaceted. She is also her child's first teacher And
Sarada Devi fully imbibed and imparted the philosophy of "Vigyan
Vedanta', demonstrating how all those teachings could be applied to
make our own lives blessed.
In her own way, she taught "as many faiths, so many paths", Brahmin,
according to her, was in all things and in all creatures. Though the
realised souls have imparted different teachings, and they don't say
the same thing, however, since there are many paths leading to the
same goal, all of their teachings are true. She gave a unique analogy
for this. Imagine a tree with birds of different colours and plumage
sitting and singing a wide variety of notes in varying octaves. We do
not say that any one particular bird's chirp is the chirp, and the rest
are not. She would say that founders of all religions are realised souls
and they have witnessed different aspects of God on the basis of their
own experience, and they are all correct as they have indeed known
the truth. They are wrong in generalising it, though. Actually, they are
only referring to different forms and aspects of one and the same
infinite, divine reality.
Demonstrating harmony of religions in her day-to-day life and a
mother's unconditional love for all, Sri Maa would say that the Muslim
labourer called Amjad working for her was as much her son as was
Sarat, Swami Saradananda, her personal attendant. When Sister
Nivedita, Swami Vivekananda's disciple, came to visit her Maa Sarada
embraced and accepted her as her own daughter. She maintained
that the infinite divine reality is nirgun formless, in one aspect, and
also sagun, with form. Once, when asked by a monk, "Are you really
the mother of all? Even the birds, insects and beasts?" She said, "Yes"
At her home in Jayrambati, West Bengal. when a monk once hit a cat,
the Holy Mother was deeply hurt and said. "Don't beat it. Feed it, so
it will not steal food. I live in that cat.
Pray for desirelessness, was her advice. If one can entirely give up all
wordly desires, they can get a vision of God right away, she believed.
Her final and most profound teaching was that if you want peace of
mind, do not find faults with others. Rather, learn to see your own
faults. "Learn to accept the whole world as your own. No one is a
stranger, my child," she would say.
Who were described as Sri Maa Sarada Devi’s children in the
passage. The list must include all the names described:
Rudyard Kipling honoured motherhood with these words: "God could
not be everywhere and, therefore, he made mothers." This is similar
to what Sarada Devi, referred to as Holy Mother by her disciples,
would say quoting her husband. Ramakrishana Paramhansa: “He had
the attitude of a mother towards all creations and he has left me
behind to demonstrate this motherhood of God." That, she said, was
her purpose in life.
A mother's role is multifaceted. She is also her child's first teacher And
Sarada Devi fully imbibed and imparted the philosophy of "Vigyan
Vedanta', demonstrating how all those teachings could be applied to
make our own lives blessed.
In her own way, she taught "as many faiths, so many paths", Brahmin,
according to her, was in all things and in all creatures. Though the
realised souls have imparted different teachings, and they don't say
the same thing, however, since there are many paths leading to the
same goal, all of their teachings are true. She gave a unique analogy
for this. Imagine a tree with birds of different colours and plumage
sitting and singing a wide variety of notes in varying octaves. We do
not say that any one particular bird's chirp is the chirp, and the rest
are not. She would say that founders of all religions are realised souls
and they have witnessed different aspects of God on the basis of their
own experience, and they are all correct as they have indeed known
the truth. They are wrong in generalising it, though. Actually, they are
only referring to different forms and aspects of one and the same
infinite, divine reality.
Demonstrating harmony of religions in her day-to-day life and a
mother's unconditional love for all, Sri Maa would say that the Muslim
labourer called Amjad working for her was as much her son as was
Sarat, Swami Saradananda, her personal attendant. When Sister
Nivedita, Swami Vivekananda's disciple, came to visit her Maa Sarada
embraced and accepted her as her own daughter. She maintained
that the infinite divine reality is nirgun formless, in one aspect, and
also sagun, with form. Once, when asked by a monk, "Are you really
the mother of all? Even the birds, insects and beasts?" She said, "Yes"
At her home in Jayrambati, West Bengal. when a monk once hit a cat,
the Holy Mother was deeply hurt and said. "Don't beat it. Feed it, so
it will not steal food. I live in that cat.
Pray for desirelessness, was her advice. If one can entirely give up all
wordly desires, they can get a vision of God right away, she believed.
Her final and most profound teaching was that if you want peace of
mind, do not find faults with others. Rather, learn to see your own
faults. "Learn to accept the whole world as your own. No one is a
stranger, my child," she would say.
‘Vigyan Vedanta’ philosophy could be applied to make our own
lives blessed. Sarada Devi fully imbibed and imparted this
Rudyard Kipling honoured motherhood with these words: "God could
not be everywhere and, therefore, he made mothers." This is similar
to what Sarada Devi, referred to as Holy Mother by her disciples,
would say quoting her husband. Ramakrishana Paramhansa: “He had
the attitude of a mother towards all creations and he has left me
behind to demonstrate this motherhood of God." That, she said, was
her purpose in life.
A mother's role is multifaceted. She is also her child's first teacher And
Sarada Devi fully imbibed and imparted the philosophy of "Vigyan
Vedanta', demonstrating how all those teachings could be applied to
make our own lives blessed.
In her own way, she taught "as many faiths, so many paths", Brahmin,
according to her, was in all things and in all creatures. Though the
realised souls have imparted different teachings, and they don't say
the same thing, however, since there are many paths leading to the
same goal, all of their teachings are true. She gave a unique analogy
for this. Imagine a tree with birds of different colours and plumage
sitting and singing a wide variety of notes in varying octaves. We do
not say that any one particular bird's chirp is the chirp, and the rest
are not. She would say that founders of all religions are realised souls
and they have witnessed different aspects of God on the basis of their
own experience, and they are all correct as they have indeed known
the truth. They are wrong in generalising it, though. Actually, they are
only referring to different forms and aspects of one and the same
infinite, divine reality.
Demonstrating harmony of religions in her day-to-day life and a
mother's unconditional love for all, Sri Maa would say that the Muslim
labourer called Amjad working for her was as much her son as was
Sarat, Swami Saradananda, her personal attendant. When Sister
Nivedita, Swami Vivekananda's disciple, came to visit her Maa Sarada
embraced and accepted her as her own daughter. She maintained
that the infinite divine reality is nirgun formless, in one aspect, and
also sagun, with form. Once, when asked by a monk, "Are you really
the mother of all? Even the birds, insects and beasts?" She said, "Yes"
At her home in Jayrambati, West Bengal. when a monk once hit a cat,
the Holy Mother was deeply hurt and said. "Don't beat it. Feed it, so
it will not steal food. I live in that cat.
Pray for desirelessness, was her advice. If one can entirely give up all
wordly desires, they can get a vision of God right away, she believed.
Her final and most profound teaching was that if you want peace of
mind, do not find faults with others. Rather, learn to see your own
faults. "Learn to accept the whole world as your own. No one is a
stranger, my child," she would say.
Different aspects of God means:
(A) Different nature of God
(B) Different character of God
Statement I: When a ray of white light is passed through a prism,
it gets splitted into its constituents colours. This phenomenon is
called dispersion of light.
Statement II: Rainbow is formed due to dispersion of sunlight by
water droplets.
In the light of the above statements, choose the most
appropriate answer from the options given below
The monthly income and expenditure of a person were Rs.10,000
and Rs. 6,000 respectively. Next year, his income increased by
15% and his expenditure increased by 8%. Then the percentage
increase in his savings is:
Commented Feb 03 , 2024
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