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Phrases Previous Year Questions (PYQs)

Phrases Statistics Measures Of Central Tendency PYQ

Phrases PYQ 2019
The mean of 5 observation is 5 and their variance is 12.4. If three of the observations are 1,2 and 6; then the mean deviation from the mean of the data is:

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Phrases Previous Year PYQPhrases NIMCET 2019 PYQ


Phrases PYQ 2019
If the mean deviation 1, 1+d, 1+2d, … , 1+100d from their mean is 255, then d is equal to

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Phrases Previous Year PYQPhrases NIMCET 2019 PYQ


Phrases PYQ 2019
If  and , then a possible value of n is among the following is 

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Phrases Previous Year PYQPhrases NIMCET 2019 PYQ


Phrases PYQ 2022
The 10th and 50th percentiles of the observation 32, 49, 23, 29, 118 respectively are

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Phrases Previous Year PYQPhrases NIMCET 2022 PYQ


Phrases PYQ 2022
The first three moments of a distribution about 2 are 1, 16, -40 respectively. The mean and variance of the distribution are

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Phrases Previous Year PYQPhrases NIMCET 2022 PYQ


Phrases PYQ 2022
If a1,a2,,an are any real numbers and n is any positive integer, then

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Phrases Previous Year PYQPhrases NIMCET 2022 PYQ


Phrases PYQ 2022
The mean of 25 observations was found to be 38. It was later discovered that 23 and 38 were misread as 25 and 36, then the mean is

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Phrases Previous Year PYQPhrases NIMCET 2022 PYQ


Phrases PYQ 2024
Given a set A with median m1=2 and set B with median m2=4
What can we say about the median of the combined set?

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Phrases Previous Year PYQPhrases NIMCET 2024 PYQ


Phrases PYQ 2024
It is given that the mean, median and mode of a data set is 1,3x and 9x respectively. The possible values of the mode is

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Phrases Previous Year PYQPhrases NIMCET 2024 PYQ


Phrases PYQ 2018
If the mean of the squares of first n natural numbers be 11, then n is equal to?

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Phrases Previous Year PYQPhrases NIMCET 2018 PYQ


Phrases PYQ 2021
The standard deviation of 20 numbers is 30. If each of the numbers is increased by 4, then the new standard deviation will be  

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Phrases Previous Year PYQPhrases NIMCET 2021 PYQ


Phrases PYQ 2021
If a variable takes values 0, 1, 2,…, 50 with frequencies 1,50C1,50C2,..,50C50, then the AM is

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Phrases Previous Year PYQPhrases NIMCET 2021 PYQ


Phrases PYQ 2021
Consider the following frequency distribution table.
 Class Interval 10-20 20-30 30-40 40-5050-60  60-7070-80 
 Frequency 180f1 34 180 136 f250 
If the total frequency is 686 and the median is 42.6, then the value of f1;and f2 are 

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Phrases Previous Year PYQPhrases NIMCET 2021 PYQ


Phrases PYQ 2020
A, B, C are three sets of values of x: 
A: 2,3,7,1,3,2,3 
B: 7,5,9,12,5,3,8 
C: 4,4,11,7,2,3,4 
Select the correct statement among the following:

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Phrases Previous Year PYQPhrases NIMCET 2020 PYQ


A: 2, 3, 7, 1, 3, 2, 3 
Increasing Order : A: 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 7 
Mode = 3 (occurs maximum number of times) 
Median = 3 (the middle term) 

Mean =(1+2+2+3+3+3+7)7

Hence. Mean=Median=Mode

Phrases PYQ 2020
Standard deviation for the following distribution is 
 Size of item10 11 12 
 Frequency 313  8

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Phrases Previous Year PYQPhrases NIMCET 2020 PYQ


Total number of items in the distribution = Σ fi = 3 + 6 + 9 + 13 + 8 + 5 + 4 = 48.

The Mean (x̅) of the given set = fixifi.

⇒ x̅ = 6×3+7×6+8×9+9×13+10×8+11×5+12×448=43248 = 9.

Let's calculate the variance using the formula: σ2=x2inˉx2.

xi2n=62×3+72×6+82×9+92×13+102×8+112×5+122×448=401248 = 83.58.

∴ σ2 = 83.58 - 92 = 83.58 - 81 = 2.58.

And, Standard Deviation (σ) = σ2=Variance=2.58 ≈ 1.607.

Phrases PYQ 2023
The mean of 5 observation is 5 and their variance is 124. If three of the observations are 1,2 and 6; then the mean deviation from the mean of the data is:

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Phrases Previous Year PYQPhrases NIMCET 2023 PYQ


Phrases PYQ 2023
For a group of 100 candidates, the mean and standard deviation of scores were found to be 40 and 15 respectively. Later on, it was found that the scores 25 and 35 were misread as 52 and 53 respectively. Then the corrected mean and standard deviation corresponding to the corrected figures are

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Phrases Previous Year PYQPhrases NIMCET 2023 PYQ


Phrases PYQ 2023
Consider the following frequency distribution table.
 Class interval 10-20 20-3030-40 40-50  50-60 60-7070-80 
 Frequency 180 f1 34180  136 f250 

If the total frequency is 685 & median is 42.6 then the values of f1  and f2  are

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Phrases Previous Year PYQPhrases NIMCET 2023 PYQ



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